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The self relationship is the most important relationship you can nourish

We spend time trying to get our lives TOGETHER by ensuring we have a good job to pay the bills and make sure all the relationships in our lives are in good order. But we tend to forget about our SELF in the process of doing those things.

self relationship: Text
self relationship: Image

Creating a self-relationship is very important because we are the one person always there for ourselves no matter what happens. So instead of pushing YOURSELF to the side and ignoring you, take time and make yourself a genuine part of your daily life.
This course is about CONNECTING with you so that we will teach you.

self relationship: Text

“No matter how dysfunctional your background, how broke or broken you are, where you are today, or what anyone else says YOU MATTER, and your life matters!”

― Germany Kent

self relationship: Quote

In the time we live in, we are so lucky, so many people say to me every day, and yes, that is true, but we sometimes are missing out. Do we need to look back on the old simplistic ways of life instead of getting stuck in the mix of all this crazy hustle bustle today? Let’s get back to ourselves and not everything out there in the world.
Take a moment and do a self-date.

self relationship: Text


the steps /lessons

self relationship: Welcome

the steps and lesson

lets get started

So to entirely create a solid foundation and relationship were going to go through the step as if you were trying to get that cute boy/girl in school to notice you and become your boyfriend/ girlfriend.

the first is what part of the relationship you are in the other side is what we will learn to create the connection to ourselves

  • first, we are going to do courtship / get to know yourself

To court, someone comes from the word courtship. It describes the period before two people enter a relationship

  • ask if wanna be official / decide to put you first

  • give a promise ring / make a promise

  • move in together / letting ur self inner and out work together

  • get engaged / dedicated to you

  • get married / working it out with yourself

  • have a kid / share your love

self relationship: Text
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